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Never get back

Marco Prates

I miss you, but for you it doesn’t matter

Everything that I do to see you never satisfies you

Why don’t you come to me?

Why don’t you believe that everything is the same?



I don’t know how to see you anymore

Why do you always do something that turns you in a bad person?

Why don’t you think of me?

Why did you give up on what is real? Gave up on what is real


I don’t need you, in reality I don’t even know where my love ends

Where everything has gone

Why did you choose like that?

Our history didn’t last until Christmas

It didn’t last until Christmas


Until when are you living without ever loving anymore?

Something inside you will question your choice of not living

Your life that will never get back

Will never get back

Never get back

Never get back

Never get back

Never get back

Never get back

Never get back

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